13 January

David Bowie: 1947- 2016
Everyday when I hear of Bowie's death on the news, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc I get overwhelmed and emotional and I have to hold in tears. Emotional in a good way and in the most upsetting way.
I am extremely warm hearted over the amount of condolences people are sending, the sheer love and appreciation for one man in the world, a man who has inspired and helped many. A true hero, a legend and one who will never be forgot. And this is why I smile. I smiled today because I heard a young boy play Life on Mars on a cathedral Organ in St. Albans and it was absolutely beautiful!! I also smiled because of Brixton, a fantastic show of passion and love as humans came together, again to celebrate just one man. 

Why am I emotionally upset? because every time I hear of his death I think of my mum. I think of my mum and my granddad and the wonderful memories they collected together through the spirit of this one man. I also think of the laughing gnome, a hugely favourite childhood song that my mum would sing to me and Kyle as kids. And we would all put our "little hands on our bellies" and we would indeed chuckle away.  The minute I heard of his death I thought of my mum and I wondered how she was. When I rang her that evening we couldn't even speak about it because both of us didn't want to believe it was true. She told me she turned off the radio and couldn't listen to his music. I felt sad, sad because David had left us all and sad because my mums hero had just passed. Her 2nd hero. 
Saying that I know she has fantastic memories that will last her a life time, and we both deep down know that granddad John is up there partying with Bowie and Lemmy right now! 
So I say keep on rocking granddad.
In light of it all I have been wondering why is it that we mourn people we have never met, and personally I think that we don't cry because we have met them, we cry because of how much they have helped us. David Bowie was a true product of a real man, a maverick, a rock and roll star and he had a perspective on life like no other. To most we would never imagine a life without him. His soul will live on forever through his music and I am eternally grateful to be have been alive in the bowie era.
Keep shining up there resting in the sky.

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