18 February

Seriously though I did meet Mick Jones once, and honestly what an incredible, insane experience that was. Don't meet your heroes they say, it'll ruin everything they say - not for me! I met Mick Jones yeah he's one of my heroes but honestly he's not quite Joe and I didn't meet him. Saying that my favourite Clash song is Stay Free - sang by Mick Jones so seriously who am I kidding I just love all 4 of those talented punk rockers.

I also met Johnny Rotten at a book signing, that was nerve wrecking because I guess with him you never know how he will come and actually I am glad I went now because he was charming and funny and such a legend.

Just Adam Ant, Manic Street Preaches, Nick Cave, The Strokes and The Cribs to go now...

Anyway, I have gone off point of this post now so lets draw it back in

Basically I want to say OOPS for not writing in 1 whole month but I am back and I have turned over a new leaf. My anxiety has settled (sort of) and I am feeling 100% more myself these days, I have been eating well, exercising, socialising, reading and I have even been to chuffing Barcelona (lucky gal).

The Joe Strummer Foundation Denim Jackets

But my main reason for this post - I don't know if you've noticed but I have added a little banner on to my page (over there on the right). The Joe Strummer Foundation, a platform that gives opportunities to musicians and support to projects around the world that creates empowerment through music. Recently I have started working a long side this wonderful charity as it holds a very close place in my heart. You will be hearing more on here about up and coming events that I will be helping to organise in the coming months. You can even pop over onto the website if you fancy finding out more ;) Or just give them a follow on Instagram or Twitter.

View from Strummerville at Glastonbury

Hosting a permanent spot at Glastonbury with the most magnificent views of the site the organisation is taking the words "music artist" and making them a realistic job title for many up and coming, talented musicians just trying to make their way in the music industry. If your band would like to play a slot at one of the many Strummerville Sessions head over to the website to apply, alternatively you can apply for funding for a music project or even set up your own fundraising event. All this can be found on the Applications section of the website (link above).

Strummerville camp at Glastonbury
Stay tuned and Stay Free.

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