20 March

Is this the one we've been waiting for? The possibility of a new Stone Roses album is on the cards....finally!

I am currently sat in a café in crouch end listening to David Bowie ask me if there is life on mars, and I am feeling the most content and positive in a while. I presume that's because it is International Day of Happiness today and just knowing that there is a day for that is enough to make any one smile.

Before I carry on with todays blog which you probably know by now is about The Stone Roses, I wanted to let you guys in with a little secret. I have been writing a journal since the age of 21 and only recently after showing it to my boyfriend and my best friend have realised how good I actually am at writing creatively. Its a difficult thing to actually admit publicly that you think you're good at something without feeling extremely big headed. It's decided today that I am going to incorporate my journal into my blog, its your decision purely whether you read it or not, whether it is good or not etc. etc. So if you're reading this then THANKS :)

Is this the Easter resurrection in the church studio's we have all truly being waiting for?

Stone Roses gear out side The Church Studios, Crouch End

Saturday morning after a drunken night out myself and my best friend Imogen found ourselves waking up hungover at our boyfriends flat still wearing our heels and make up down our faces. Reluctant to get home quick to fresh orange juice and my own bed Imogen somehow managed to drag me round Crouch End's Tesco in search of sticky rice, I know right but I did end up buying 5 different drinks because I was so dehydrated I couldn't decide which I wanted.

Finally home and still wearing last nights clothes (and the heels) it was time to kick back and forget the day... but no something major happened and its changed my weekend for sure.

As we all may know I am a massive music geek, I don't ever shut up about music and when something happens that includes bands I love I get giddy and don't know whether I should cry or laugh or faint or all 3. This morning was one of them morning.

Casually staring out of our window at some young boys unloading a lorry full of flight cases protecting some very large music gear we started to question which band they must be in. We see this happen regularly out of our kitchen window. I noticed one of the flight cases had a sticker on with The Stone Roses logo in which I said "oh look Imogen they've got a stone roses sticker on their gear", not thinking about it I carried on chatting about how brilliant it was that these two young boys who looked around our age had managed to get such an amazing career being roadies (a dream of mine one day). Flight case after flight case were unloaded and it became obvious this was a huge band, I mean who can afford that much equipment?


When it clicked I became overly giddy, was this happening outside of my flat? My phone battery had died and I was eagerly waiting for it too charge before I ran down for a snap but there wasn't time. Grabbing my keys and having a quick look in the mirror (still make up less and wearing last nights clothes) we ran outside without even locking our front door. Excitement overload. "Imogen I should have worn my stone roses t shirt" I told her, to which I then said " I don't even have one haha" we laughed and couldn't believe what was happening.

Adrenaline and alcohol fuelled (still) the roadies helped us take multiple photos of us posing with the gear. Questions were running through my head as I asked the Manc Paul Weller lookalike roadie if they were in the studio now, if they were recording a new album, if I could meet them. I told him I was going to see them in June and even told him where we lived if they wanted to come round a cuppa - pointing at our kitchen window "it's that one with the star light, number 3".

I got told their recording new material at the moment. I can only hope this message gets through to Ian and the lads.

Sharing the photo on twitter wondering if this was enough evidence to confirm a new album, fans have gone wild. With over 100 retweets and an article by Manchester Evening News I am waiting for the day I bump into them in the streets of Crouch End.

Here's the Manchester evening news article, if you're wanting a read:

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